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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sharing your Internet Connection with Windows Vista through bluetooth

Sharing your Internet Connection with Windows Vista through bluetooth:
While travelling with a laptop an internet connection can be very desirable. By using your Windows Mobile Phone as a bluetooth access point, you can connect easily to the internet using GPRS or your regular internet service provider (providing your laptop has bluetooth as well of course). It provides an easy way of sharing your internet connection with your laptop (also known as tethering) while the device still is capable of retrieving its own e-mail and RSS feeds.

On your mobile device

This functionality was introduced with Windows Mobile 5 AKU3, devices with older versions of the operating system depend on dial-up networking, which also works great. Please refer to that section when you have an older device.

Please make sure you first have bonded or paired your device with your laptop.
Please keep in mind that the following you have to do, EVERY time you want to connect to the internet with your laptop. There are no tricks known to us to make this easier or faster.
To fire up internet connection sharing, you start with selecting "Internet Sharing" from your program files.
Starting Internet Connection Sharing
After you have opened Internet Connection Sharing, you can start by selecting the correct communication medium (you need "Bluetooth PAN") and the correct network connection.
Internet Connection Sharing setup screen
You can basically select any kind of network connection you wish to share. This can be any internet connection (for example a GPRS connection).
After selecting the appropriate way of connecting and service, you can press the left softkey marked "connect" to activate the service.

On the PC

On the PC you have to open the "Network and Sharing Center" from your "Control Panel":
Network and Sharing Center
Here you have to select "Setup a connection or Network" from the sidebar, which will result in the following dialog:
<img title="Network selection dialog Vista" style="width: 405px; height: 294px" height="294" alt="Network selection dialog Vista" src=".. ...

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