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Monday, July 30, 2012

Rapid Application Development for Android

I have been working on implementing an idea of mine for some time now. The idea came having implemented many Android apps and realising that I could automate much of the repetitive, boring coding allowing me to create apps quicker and less expensively for my clients.

The result is RADDroid which is a Java code generator. It’s a web-based ’super wizard’ to gather the required functionality and generate a super-skeleton application. The result is a generated project that can be opened in Eclipse. You still have to be (or need) an Android developer as you have to code together the pieces of functionality, add real icons, data and graphics. However, it significantly speeds up development and leaves the developer to do the interesting rather than the boring bits. It should save experienced developers days of typing. Inexperienced developers should save weeks.

Technically, RADDroid allows you to manipulate activities and methods via a point and click web interface. There are some pre-defined screen layouts that cause methods to be implicitly generated. Similarly, adding menu (items) implicitly generates handler methods. All these methods can contain various functionality that can be ordered. In the case of asynchronous functionality, for example a http request, further callback methods are automatically created to which functionality can be added. There’s also support for common code header comments, persistent state for screen orientation changes and imports and manifest permissions are handled automatically.

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